
Friday, December 26, 2008

How Are We Celebrating Christmas This Year?

-- Making small talk about the weather.
-- Giving that Ped-Egg infomercial some serious thought.
-- Training for Circus of the Stars, just in case.
-- Trying to avoid being trampled at Best Buy.
-- Praying that the children's choir avoids "O Holy Night" this year.
-- Blogging 4 Jesus.
-- Baking a ham, some shrinky dinks.
-- Trying to remember which church it was we decided we belong to last year.
-- Explaining to our distant relatives that we're not really all that into Mickey Mouse any more, but that we of course love the new sweatshirt, anyway.
-- Firing up the ol' hot glue gun.
-- Tolerating our friends and loved ones.
-- Crafting post-feminist, racially-neutral versions of our favorite Christmas carols.
-- Playing Sheep #4 in the living nativity.
-- Shaking when we laugh like a bowl full of jello.

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