
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Missing Persons

So it's been a while, I suppose. I have lots of great excuses. Wednesday I was digging my car out from the storm. Friday I was again digging my car out from the storm. Tomorrow I will likely again be digging my car out from the storm. It's a truly wonderful world, you know that?

Thursday I went with Former Roommate Liz to her office holiday party. As everyone knows, it is always way better to go to someone else's office party, as there is no need to behave oneself. I had two glasses of red wine on an empty stomach and went sort of crazy. Not in the stabbing people with forks sense or the taking off my pants sense, just in the making a lot of friends from accounting and marketing sense. Also in the attacking the quesadilla buffet like it was my job sense. That was truly good times.

Last night I had a friend in town from college who I only see about once a year. It's honestly pretty surprising how well a year of my life can be summed up in only a couple of hours. Especially with the aid of alcohol. I think when I see people I don't see that often they're primarily interested in seeing if I've gotten fat, anyway, though, so I don't get too terribly worried about being a sparking conversationalist.

Tomorrow I'm heading back to my parents' house for the holidays. Many pet-related anecdotes to follow, no doubt.

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