
Sunday, January 04, 2009

On the Aisle

Save the Last Dance has been in heavy rotation on cable this weekend. Although I'm sure most people most recall this movie for its gritty depiction of inner-city life, it's also notable as film's most searching portrayal of interracial romance. And while I of course have no problem with couple of different races dating, I have all kinds of problems with anyone at all dating Julia Stiles. She approaches this role with her usual combination of over enunciation and bitch face, with an able assist from the body double whose legs do pretty much all of the dancing. I also think that STLD (as Danceheads like me call it) serves as an excellent primer on the college admissions process; most people really are informed of their Julliard admissions "off the record" immediately after their auditions.

I also got an impromptu review of Tropic Thunder from my parents this weekend. Apparently they rented it on New Year's Eve and found it so unfunny that they "gave up on it" and took it back. Now coming from a woman who will see any movie with a dog in it and actually insisted that Wild Wild West was good, that's quite a statement. There were no real reasons given for the alleged unfunniness, but my guess is that it would have been centered on Jack Black. My mother has never had much tolerance for fat people, even when they're diverting us with their pratfalls.

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