
Sunday, March 29, 2009

[Insert Comment About Snow Here]

So this morning I woke up to a Winter Clusterfuckland here in Chicago. We don't have a ton of snow, but it's that heavy, wet snow that almost instantly turns into an inch-thick layer of disgusting slush. And it was really coming down. Needless to say, I was not pleased.

Of course, had I not even looked out the window, I would have known about the snow from Facebook, where I was greeted with approximately 18,000 status updates about "snow in Chicago in late March? ugh." When I think about things that merit status updates, any change in the weather is definitely right at the top of the list.

But despite the disaster area outside my door, I had to head downtown today for the Shamrock Shuffle. I was not running -- just watching -- but I still managed to get about two inches of water stuck up in my shoes. I have never been more glad simply to change my socks in my lifetime.

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