
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

I had my volunteer teaching yesterday morning, and it turned out I was the one who learned something.

The young ones always have lots of legal questions, usually about Madea goes to jail. But today we had an extended discussion of Chris Brown and Rhianna. Our lesson was on free speech, and they asked me if maybe Rhianna thought she was exercising her free speech when she threw Chris Brown's keys, or if his form of speech was kicking the crap out of her. I had to tell them I didn't wish to speculate. Then they informed me that Rhianna couldn't really complain about what happened because "they was both crazy." Also that she gave Chris Brown herpes. Yes, my fifth graders told me about herpes.

The lesson also briefly touched on search and seizure law, at which point I found out that a number of my students had personally been searched or seized. One of them, however, told me that he would "give it to" any cop who tried to come into his house. I had to advise that this was an approach that might bear rethinking.

Oh, and one of my students kept repeatedly "pleading the fifth" throughout the lesson. That was a joke that never got old, let me tell you.

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