
Sunday, March 01, 2009

So It's Come to This...

This is my 1000th post. Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday I was sitting down at my ginormous 1984-style federal government computer to type out my deep thoughts about going to Home Depot or the latest episode of The Apprentice. A lot has certainly changed since then. For one thing, far fewer entries center on me being publicly intoxicated. For another, I make far fewer attempts at behavior modification of my very few and very brave readers. I also don't spend hours per week carefully burnishing my prose; I guess I've finally realized that I'm not Jeffrey Toobin and I never will be.

How do the blog and I plan to celebrate this milestone? Well, like most long-term couples, we'll probably go out to an expensive dinner, get into a fight about the way the valet looked at me, and end up having hate sex on the cutting board in the kitchen. Or maybe we'll just discuss the season premiere of America's Next Top Model this Wednesday. Some things, sadly, it seems never change.

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