
Friday, May 15, 2009

Yes, I Forgot I Have A Blog Again

I think the problem is that my life is so exciting and glamorous. What with going to the grocery store and arguing with my neighbors about the landscaping and trying to dig crushed Golden Grahams out of my carpet and all, it's difficult to make time to share my various whimsical musings. I always try not to forget the little people, but, well, they're so little!

No, honestly the problem is that I have been traveling the last few days, and I am 100% not allowed to blog from my work computer. Apparently my employers believe that my dangerously incendiary comments about Kelly Ripa can somehow be attributed to them, and that boycotts will be assembled based on my shocking espousal of Little Debbie's Snack Cakes. The processed food wars are coming, I assure you. Will you be ready?

On both my flight to New York and my flight back there were women wearing surgical masks to protect themselves from swine flu. The one on the way there was sitting next to me, but moved to a different seat halfway through the flight. Do I somehow look especially contagious? Perhaps I should not ask that.

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