
Sunday, July 05, 2009


For a number of reasons, I am not one of those people who spends a lot of time complaining about his job. First, it doesn't really seem to do any good. No one has ever been told to take a weekend off because they were complaining about the hardness of their desk chair. Second, it is a great way to dry up any conversation. There are very few people in the world who want to hear about the unfairness of your secretarial assignment, let me assure you. And finally, but by no means least importantly, it can not infrequently get you fired. It turns out clients don't love having their business secrets turned into your sparkling cocktail conversation.

But regardless, I have to admit that I have enjoyed having the last three days completely off. I have been to Walgreens no fewer than four times. I have eaten five hamburgers off my grill. I have laid out on my roof and read Entertainment Weekly. And most importantly, I have left my blackberry in a drawer. Without even so much as an out of office message. You see, I'm an enormous rebel. Maybe I'll ever wear short sleeves to work tomorrow.

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