
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, Sunday

Well, it's Sunday morning, and I'm sitting here in my boxers watching Herbie: Fully Loaded, the ironically-named Linsday Loahn feature about an allegedly lovable car and the clearly deranged girl who loves it. Many Sundays this would be pretty much my entire plan for the day, but this week I have to get on a plane and head to New York for what will hopefully be my final business trip of the year. I'm guessing they won't let me lay out on the runway and catch some sun, either.

Last night I attended a coworker's party, which had a luau theme and ended up involving nearly an hour of hula dancing that was difficult yet necessary to ignore. They had also roasted a whole hog, which was unsightly but, as it turned out, somewhat delicious. But from my perspective all that really mattered was that they had alcohol, lots of beautiful delicious alcohol. I'm fairly sure I drank my weight in drinks served in coconuts.

But I would feel remiss if I did not mention what has clearly been the entertainment event of the season, the appearance of Katie Holmes on So You Think You Can Dance. Such a fantastic display of awkward flailing and subpar lip syncing has rarely been seen. Scholars will debate for decades the meaning of its thoughtful details -- the careful selection of a black men's jacket and no pants of any kind, the introductory section where she stared blankfacedly in several different directions -- but all anyone can say for now is, well, wow. Take a well deserved bow, Church of Scientology.

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