
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Brush With Greatness

I can't believe I almost forgot to mention my pseudocelebrity sighting.

Saturday night I was transferring from the brown line to the red line at the Belmont when who should I spy but Top Model Cycle 9 Heather. I know it was her because she was a "gawky beauty," as Tyra once described her in a voiceover, and because I know from Top Models in Action that she is now studying video game design in Chicago (and modelling, of course, because all ANTM alums are successful models). She really did look a lot like she did on the show, too, although she had a few more flyaways than after her Top Model makeover. I think it must have been a long day.

Anyway, what could I do besides try to duck into the same train car as her and observe her? (I want to make clear that this was just science, not stalking -- the difference is the use of deductive reasoning.) I only had one stop in which to gather evidence, but I noted that 1) she had a band aid on her leg and 2) she seemed to be concerned that people were staring at her.

I plan to publish my conclusions as soon as I locate a suitable journal for such greatness.

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