
Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Night Lights

Can I tell you that this may well be the best Friday night I've had in years? I got a ride home from work from my sister, so I didn't have to get jostled and sneezed on on the train. I made it to the dry cleaners just before it closed and now have a variety of readily available apparel for my weekend. I went to the gym at a lovely, uncrowded time and did not have to deal with ogres asking me if they could "work in." I stopped by the liquor store (again just barely before its close) and got a whole bunch of wine, thereby avoiding the September 1 alcohol tax increase. Then I watched two episodes of the Cosby Show with my sister (Theo got an earring with hilarious consequences) and that really brings us to the present. Should it bother me that the less I really do the happier I feel?

Of course, I will more than make up for it tomorrow, since I have enough work to do to last me two weekends. It turns out that people don't really stop suing each other, even in an economic downturn. They just complain a lot more about what their lawyers are costing them.

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