
Saturday, September 05, 2009


It's been another busy day in Quincy. I started the day off by doing my ab workout on the living room floor while my parents ate breakfast and argued about communications theory. Then I drove out to the park for a run, only to have the road I usually take from our house to the park suddenly dead end in construction. Apparently, the powers that be have decided to rely on word of mouth rather than signage to get that news out. I did finally arrive at the park by an alternate route and did about four miles, although I was somewhat thwarted by having to dodge people's dogs every quarter mile or so. Then it was off to lunch with my 98-year-old grandmother.

What are the hot topics with 98-year-olds these days? Well, race relations remained a popular subject, along with The Young & The Restless. (The two actually intersect far more than one might think.) There was a lot to be said on the subject of which home-care workers she likes and which she doesn't (Linda, you devil, you!) and still more with regard to how my mother works too hard and is going to give herself an ulcer. We very briefly discussed whether I'd ever thought of opening my own law practice (no) and then moved pretty much permanently into the subject of the 1940s, when men were men and women liked to get their hair done. It was glorious.

Then this afternoon I did some work and took a trip to the dog park with my parents. True to form, our little beagle stood in the corner eating grass and refused to interact with any other dogs. I know how she feels.

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