
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Victory Over Kidney Stones Day

So I finally passed my kidney stone, which means that I no longer have to get poked and prodded and scanned and doped, and more importantly that you no longer have to hear about it. I have very little to say about the blessed event itself other than yes, it did hurt, but my joy at our long national nightmare finally being over actually outweighed the pain.

And speaking of pain, the remake of The Women is on right now. Man, that is one terrible movie. Bad enough that it's hard to even think of as amusing. And this is coming from someone who didn't even think the original was all that great. It's hard to imagine that adding Meg Ryan's new face would improve just about anything, though.

To celebrate my newfound freedom tonight I am going to watch about six hours of DVRed TV and probably have a beer or four. The inability to drink is one of the very few drawbacks of hardcore painkillers. Plus it should really take the edge off of Bette Midler in The Women.

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