
Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I have to say, I hope there is a special place in hell for whatever genius decided that Christmas cards should have glitter on them. The holiday season has only just begun and I have glitter all over my dining room table, across the front of my pants, up and down the full length of my arms, and, perhaps most memorably, in my eyes. Yes, I just spent ten minutes trying to wash glitter out of my eyes so I could stop crying. No, I don't think that the emotional impact of HBO's replaying of Jurassic Park is partially responsible for the crying. Although it is a powerful piece.

So now I can't get the glitter to wash off of me and I have to go into work tomorrow looking like I spent my evening in a drag show as opposed to sitting on my couch trying desperately to catch up on old New Yorkers. I suppose that's not all bad. It's nice to have an exciting personal life, even if it's only just in someone else's imagination.

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