
Thursday, December 03, 2009

That Holiday Spirit

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything I have to do before Christmas. This is sort of strange because, frankly, I don't even really have to do that much. I only buy presents for roughly three people, and though I generally do have a lot of trouble with things that require me to be thoughtful and/or think about other people, I have a fairly decent start on that project. It helps that I always know I can buy something for my mother that involves dogs and something for my father that involves the Cubs. As much as I find it implausible that these gifts would be enjoyed, I find it still more implausible that my parents would be that good at faking it. So I've got that going for me.

On the home front, I haven't really decorated for the holidays since my ornament-making career petered out in about third grade. I'm not having a party this year since all the December weekends are falling strangely, and I don't like people touching my stuff that much anyway. Plus people look at you so harshly when you cover your couches with blankets before they sit on them. And it should come as no surprise to anyone that I don't exactly bake up a storm for Christmas. I've got an adorable little gal who handles the sweet treats for me and her name is Little Debbie.

So I guess it's mainly just the holiday cards that are stressing me. Mine are of course elaborate and I haven't written a single word. I've managed to winnow my friend list down to about a hundred, mainly by being an asshole, but that's still going to take some serious time. Plus I'm lazy. And I just bought Super Mario Brothers Wii. What's a fella to do?

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