
Saturday, January 02, 2010


So I finally saw Avatar tonight. At first I swore I wasn't going to see it because the previews looked so ridiculously terrible, what with all the flying lizards and blue jar jar binkses and all. Then when so many people started tweeting and emailing and posting on Facebook about how capital "A" Amazing it was, I had to reconsider that position. And then when it passed the $300 million mark in fifteen days, I felt wholly overwhelmed by peer pressure and had got tickets online. I hesitated again momentarily when I read that 1 in 10 moviegoers has been getting a terrible headache, but I figured if the Top Model marathons haven't left me throbbing, nothing probably will.

So I guess the good news is that I didn't get a headache. The bad news is that I thought it was sort of, well, lame. The introduction moved quickly enough and all, and I enjoyed the part where the hero was almost mauled by various exotic creatures, but I seriously started drifting during the third or fourth segment where he learns about native culture. The effects were good enough and all, but I had a hard time with the fact that the characterizations were on a Son of Flubber level and the dialogue announced the movie's theme about once every fifteen minutes. Also Michelle Rodriguez bugs in pretty much everything. Although managing to make her appear to be a nice person took direction on a really masterful level.

Anyway, I should shut up before my house gets firebombed by the Cameron mafia. But seriously, it was like a Ferngully for the new millennium.

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