
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pictures at an Exhibition

I turned 32 recently, and since I haven't really gone out for a birthday since the Apprentice was the hot new show on television and no one knew Mel Gibson was an anti-Semite yet, a few friends came by to celebrate. Photographic evidence follows.

This is possibly the finest gift I have ever received from a CVS. We even taped a pen to the side of it so you could write while fanning yourself.

Former Roommate Liz brought be a copy of Lauren Conrad's debut novel, L.A. Candy, as a gift. Which was super nice, because I was holding out for Audrina Partridge's collection of sonnets.

This was not from my birthday, but from our fake Thanksgiving celebration. Liz has owned that hat for many years, but always leaves it at my house, presumably because the hat has murderous impulses.

Ian made butternut squash soup. The secret ingredient was benadryl.

Thanks to many years of watching Top Model, Liz has learned how to make brandishing a knife look warm and welcoming.

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