
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Tooth Hurts

It looks like I may be due for a second root canal. On the same tooth. Apparently they can fail, did you know that? Even three years later, apparently. Because here I've been, feeling great about my #14 upper ever since 2007, enjoying the hell out of my tooth-colored crown, and it turns out I've got an infection in my gum again. In my whole cheek, actually. It's starting to crowd out my left eye.

I definitely recommend going to work looking like Quasimodo, by the way. People take you so much more seriously. And sometimes they let you go home when you beg to be allowed access to your pain pills. I felt like Matthew Perry circa 2001 (the scary thin years, not the scary fat years).

It's good to know that I have a dentist who will get me in on a rush basis, though, I suppose. I think it was mainly because I phone stalked his receptionist all day with graphic tales of my pain and various discharges until she felt sorry for me. And now I have more pain pills. And penicillin. Next up? Probably another root canal. And then, the world.

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