
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Traveling Man

I was just reflecting the other day on how nice it was that I haven't had to travel for work since December, and so of course now I'm being sent to Maryland for three days starting tomorrow. I guess the good news is that it will give me material to work with for this thing, since it seems like every flight I'm ever on is populated entirely by insane people. The other good news is that I'm not being sent for anything uniquely horrible this time, because generally they only send me out if there's going to be someone to scream at me on the other end. I don't think that will be the case this time, although you can never tell. Again, I seem to attract the unstable.

I googled Maryland to see if there was anything fun to do while I'm there. The tourism homepage immediately threatened me with the spectre of Kenny Loggins tickets, followed by something called the Maryland Faerie Festival, which is not nearly as sexy as you might think. They also boasted more than thirty "religious attractions," which I will absolutely have to check out when I am done stabbing myself in the eyes repeatedly. I did appreciate the multitude of images of people of many races having fun together, which made me sad that I forgot to invite my black and asian friends on this business trip. I'd like to have a flight 2712 that looks like America.

I likely won't be able to check in while I'm gone, since blogging on a work computer is pretty much the ethical equivalent of child molestation. Perhaps I should run some "best of" entries in my absence, including that time I thought I saw Top Model Heather on the train and the series where I had an intestinal parasite. Interest in guest blogging seems to have dried up entirely; I'm essentially the Jay Leno of the blogosphere.

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