
Friday, June 18, 2010

Reba Has Left the Building

Lifetime has stopped showing the Reba program in the morning. Now, don't be alarmed, this is good news for Reba. They've moved her to prime time where she always belonged. But it is bad news for me, as I am rarely home in the 7-8 PM time frame. And thus I miss out on my daily dose of flame-haired wisdom.

I have found at least a temporary replacement in ABC Family's morning airings of Sabrina the Teenage Witch and What I Like About You. I've always been a huge fan of teen stars who aren't really up to much these days. Sabrina is wonderful in that every episode is exactly the same: some situation invites the use of magic, which doesn't turn out to work they way you'd want it to, and everything goes back to the status quo. Well, except for that episode where Salem the Cat got prostate cancer. That one was a little off for them.

Also, it turns out Reba videos are often available on demand. I'm a particular fan of "Does He Love You?", which features lots of horrible pantsuits and sweeping hats. "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" is wonderful in that Reba wears terrible old age makeup and there's more dialogue than in your average Tom Stoppard play. Oh, and "Why Haven't I Heard From You?" Makes absolutely no sense. God love it, there is some entertainment.

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