
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trials and Tribulations

So I have a trial in a few weeks. It's my second trial this year, after netting a total of zero trials in my first six years of legal practice. Could it be that I've lost my ability to settle? Not in life, of course. I mean, I drive a Carolla.

With a trial comes a lot of long hours. I mean, not that the hours themselves are actually any longer; I'm pretty sure they still come in at exactly sixty minutes, although I didn't get that atomic clock I wanted for Christmas. It's just that I tend to spend more of those hours at my office, which, by the way, has suddenly been overrun with gnats. On the plus side, I've become very good at killing them with my bare hands. On the minus side, I'm needing a lot more hand sanitizer.

Anyway, if you're hearing less from me, that's probably why. I am seldom abducted by Muslim extremists.

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