
Saturday, July 03, 2010

Trial Period

So my trial is finally over and I'm visiting my parents for the long weekend. There wasn't anything particularly hilarious about the trial experience, except perhaps the physical comedy of me trying to get through security with boxes full of exhibits every day. I guess also probably my complete incompetence when I would get home exhausted every night; I'm pretty sure I tried to put the Wii in the dishwasher once or twice. But fortunately there were smarter people around to keep me in check and I think everything went pretty well. It was a bench trial and we won't get a ruling for some time, most likely, so don't ask. Actually, don't ask regardless.

We made the drive across the state today, which was most notable for the ingestion of something called "chili cheese tots" at the Sonic in Champaign. The trip took almost six hours because IDOT helpfully closed all four lanes of I-55 in Chicago without giving any suggestions whatsoever for what one might do instead. It was just four or five guys with big trucks standing there shrugging and pointing. But we got back eventually, and since then we have been busy, busy, busy. We carried out pizza for dinner. We went to church. We went to the park so I could run. And then we stood in a parking lot and watched the tops of various fireworks displays from across the city over the tops of some very substantial trees. The family that squints together stays together.

Despite the lack of excitement, I am ready for bed. Actually, I am ready for several weeks' worth of bed.

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