
Saturday, September 04, 2010


Today my grandmother told me I'm "not on the fat side yet." I am going to choose to take that as a compliment, although I must temper that compliment with the knowledge of her recent cataract surgery. It reminds me of the time she told my sister that "all the ladies down at the hair shop agreed she had a good little body." Octogenarian lesbianism, ahoy!

She seems to be doing really well, though. She is back at home and has returned to having controversial beliefs about fat people and people of different races, so we know she is feeling more like herself. There was also the beginning of a lecture about "people and all of their sex," which we cleverly avoided by asking a question about The Young and the Restless. Thank God there's never any sex on that program.

The trip back yesterday was sort of exciting. I spent it strongly smelling of gasoline, since the automatic stop function on the pump I used wasn't working properly. On that occasion I also made a new friend in the form of an enormous female truck driver with America's most tragic teeth who kept referring to me as "sweetheart" as she utterly failed to assist me in any way. We did make a stop at a family-style chain restaurant for dinner, so that was amazing. We had the appetizer sampler.

For the rest of the weekend, I have a lot of family time and work ahead of me. Hopefully I will be able to tell the difference.

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