
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Honeymoon Period

Well, they are wed. I had exactly three jobs for the ceremony, as I count them. I had to 1) walk down the aisle with the matron of honor, 2) take the rings off the pillow and hold them until they were called for, and 3) move a microphone. I'm pretty sure I pulled them all off, which puts me on pretty much the same level of skill as a trained ape, albeit after far more training. I also managed to not fall off the cliff or pee myself, which was actually harder than it sounds given that there was no available restroom on the cliff. I even posed for some photos, although the photographer told me that I was leaning too far forward and needed to just "stand normally." I felt like an ANTM gal named Noxema.

The reception was of course my favorite part. They got the alcohol flowing right away (at 2:30 PM!) and the food was really good, although I frankly might have loved eating potting soil after having so much alcohol. The music was decent and no one required me to say anything, which removed much of the potential for off color behavior. Although I did still end up throwing sour cream and onion Pringles around my hotel room and passing out at 11:30. Which is pretty much a normal Saturday night for me, to be honest.

And we made it back safely. The departure lounge at LGA was hot and full of people chatting about how amazing Rush Limbaugh is, so that was a bit of a miracle. No one understands how difficult it is for me to not become violent.

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