
Monday, September 13, 2010

Shore Thing

I hesitate to write about this at all, because I fear the harsh judgment it is almost certain to bring (and deservedly so), but I have recently been watching a little bit of the Jersey Shore. I guess I was just kind of curious to see what all the kids were talking about. (Not the literal kids, although I'm pretty sure they are talking about Camp Rock 2, which I have also watched.) I'm not really all that sold, though, I have to say. It's kind of hard for me to get past the fact that I hate the majority of the characters. Ronnie is possibly the worst human being who has ever lived and Sammi is the only person in the world stupid enough to fall for him, in addition to the fact that I have seldom if ever seen her get out of her bed. Angelina appears to have been added to the cast solely to talk on the phone and argue with people. I do think that Snooki is a classic comic character in the mold of Garfield or the mom from Family Ties, but I am frankly not sure if Vinny is even a sentient being. The Situation actually seems sort of nice if you can get past the crab lice, but I am unaware of Pauly D's reason for being, unless he is a federal project to prop up the hair care industry. All I really know about JWoww is that she has huge boobs and kind of reminds me of my junior high acting teacher.

Oh, and the plots are super thrilling bits like "someone makes dinner" or "someone hooks up" or "someone writes a letter." That last one was dragged out over several episodes, just for good measure.

I'm just kind of hoping they add Heather Locklear to the cast.

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