
Monday, November 08, 2010

Movie Night

Tonight I watched "The Third Man" on Netflix for Wii. It may sound like a gay porn from the title, but it's actually an Orson Welles classic from 1949. Unfortunately, "classic" in this case meant that the picture was really dark and a lot of the dialogue was in German without subtitles, so I ended up reading a lot of the plot on imdb after I was done watching it. The message board really helped a lot, too, what with threads like "She was kind of a bitch, wasn't she?" and "What was the boy saying in German?" This was frankly my best use of the Wii since I made pro in Power Cruising, which is also not a gay porn.

I guess I've been on kind of a movie kick lately, because I watched "Postcards from the Edge" on Saturday. The picture was a bit clearer there, or at least as clear as anything from 1990 can be. (There were some horrible pants as a result, of course.) I really enjoyed it a good deal, I have to say. I'm a sucker for the Streep and even the Hackman, except for those horrible Lowe's voiceovers he does. There was even a smallish dose of Annette Bening before she started sort of vaguely looking like everyone's mom. Oh, and drug addiction is of course hilarious, as evidenced by Lindsay Lohan. We are blessed to have such wonderful celebrities in our lives.

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