
Saturday, December 11, 2010


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is on right now. It's one of those movies that I find myself watching every time it is on. In fact, when I was a kid, we had taped it off TV on a VHS, and my sister and I would watch it every six months or so. Minus the tank sequence, because my mother forgot to unpause the tape for a while after the commercial break.

I always felt kind of conflicted about Indy's love interest in that one. I mean, on the one hand, she's a Nazi. But on the other hand, at least she's not Kate Capshaw. On the one hand, she slept with Indy's father, too. But on the other hand, she's got a fantastic accent. So it's kind of a wash.

Parts of it actually used to keep me up at night. Well, really just the one part (spoiler alert for 20 years ago!) where the guy ages rapidly and then disintegrates after drinking out of the wrong grail. Now it just looks like really fake CGI. But back then it was maybe the second scariest thing ever, after Young Sherlock Holmes, of course.

What's really scary now? They're threatening to show Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom. That's two and a half more hours of screaming Asian kid than I think I can stand.

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