
Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Year That Was

Well, 2010 is limping to a close. What's really sort of fascinating to me is that looking at a list of world events from 2010, probably a quarter of them are things of which I wasn't even aware. There was suicide bombing at a volleyball game in Pakistan? I mean, it certainly sounds plausible. An Ethiopian Airlines flight crashed? I guess I'd have to start by knowing that there is an Ethiopian Airlines. So yeah, the moral of that particular story is shame on me, I guess. Maybe I need to watch a little less Oxygen and a little more PBS.

Anyway, there were a lot of highlights to 2010, I guess. The miniseries Marry Me starring Lucy Liu debuted on the Lifetime network, for one thing. KFC introduced the Double Down. The Burlesque trailed delighted fans of ironic enjoyment everywhere. And I finally unlocked the mirror image levels on Mario Kart.

On the downside, well, there was that horrible Ethiopian Airlines crash. And that Proactiv ad where Katy Perry yells "I'm talking about zits here, people!" I also wasn't such a fan of oral surgery, although I did enjoy the painkillers afterwards. They're actually useful in a lot of social situations. Oh, and the very existence of Shrek 4 makes it hard for me to believe in the simultaneous existence of a just and merciful god.

Of course, it's impossible to predict what 2011 will hold, but at least I can feel pretty confident that I don't even know another six people who can get married this year.

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