
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another Year...

So I've got a birthday coming up in a few weeks. As I get older, it's harder and harder to figure out what to do for it. I wish I were still of an age for a party with a sheet cake and a basket full of Transformers at Scottie's Skateland, but I'd likely get branded a child molester. Plus, I can no longer accept having to invite every kid in my class. We have to face the fact that some people are just paste eaters for life.

In my twenties I frequently had all-out ragers for the birthday, the kind that end with a sticky floor and an awkward exchange of names the next morning, but I feel too old for that now, too. Ever since I've owned my own place, I haven't exactly felt like putting a keg in the corner of it. I do still have a bunch of left over red plastic cups, though. They're not exactly a multi-purpose item.

Maybe this year I'll just do nothing for the birthday. That is what I enjoy, after all. I can just throw on some sweatpants, tune into a Reba marathon, and eat a bucket of chicken. Isn't 33 the fried fats birthday, anyway?

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