
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Big News

Apparently, this is my 1300th post. What excellent evidence of many, many hours wasted. I still think some of my entries from back in the days of the intestinal parasite are highly literary in character, though. Oh, and the kidney stone. Really, medical maladies of all sorts have been fairly inspirational.

No real maladies at present. Even my case of desk elbow has died down. I currently have kind of a sour taste in my mouth, but that's probably from the whitestrips. I'm trying to be as white as possible before I go to Geneva.

Work has been quite overwhelming as I prepare for the trip. I'm afraid I'm likely to be somewhat delinquent for a while around here. I'll try to post from Geneva if I can, but I'm afraid the wireless instructions will be in French. Also I don't know if I have the right plug converter for my laptop. And I'm terrified I'll somehow be detained by customs. Swiss customs must be truly menacing.

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