
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Travel Bureau

Apparently, I am going to Switzerland for work. Geneva, specifically. I have been to Switzerland before on my whirlwind post-college European tour, but it was Lucerne, I was there for about a day, and I was so jet lagged I can barely remember anything. Except for fondue. I think there was fondue. Anyway, I'm going. Next Saturday. For a week.

I don't really know anything about Geneva, aside from the Convention. So I guess I won't commit any war crimes while I'm there. I looked it up on wikipedia and it looks kind of pretty. Apparently they have a chestnut tree that heralds the arrival of spring every year. I'm not really sure of the mechanics of that, but I can look into it. Also there's a big jet of water that shoots into the air from the middle of the lake. That's got to have thousands of practical uses, I am sure.

Probably all I'm going to do while I'm there is work, but wikipedia says that museums and art galleries are "everywhere" in the city, so I'm guessing there's one across the street from my hotel, like a Walgreen's would be in Chicago. Plus it's in Europe, so they've got to have all sorts of Medieval shit, right? This is all going to come very much in handy when I'm going through exhibits in a conference room.

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