
Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Amazing Race

Is it weird that I was involved in about a 20 minute conversation about Miranda Cosgrove's race today? No need to answer that, actually. It's weird that I even had occasion to type the words Miranda Cosgrove just now. But anyway, the subject came up not because I'm a child molester but because I was flipping channels and iCarly went by, which I had always assumed was Carly Simon's bid for the youth vote, but turned out to be a show starring the little girl from School of Rock who everyone assumed would never work again and would end up cracked out and pregnant at 19. Anyway, that's Miranda Cosgrove. And no one seems to know if she's part Asian. The internet has a lot to say about the subject, but nothing conclusive. Although her father is a dry cleaner, which seems suspicious. There's also an epic rant by someone who is outraged that she WON'T JUST ADMIT SHE'S NOT WHITE! I wonder if there's speculation about my ethnicity out there on the internet. I am part Inuit, in case you care.

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