
Thursday, April 07, 2011

In Which I Finally Get My Fill Of Pictures of Switzerland

This is it, I swear. Back to normal content soon. I use both the terms "normal" and "content" loosely, obviously.

This is the "peace clock." They list it as some kind of major attraction in Geneva, and when you get there it's just a flower bed with clock hands on it. I actually think my mom has bigger flower beds. None with clock hands, admittedly.

They have these really funky trees in Geneva. They kind of look like they're dead, but I am assured they are not.

This is their art museum. Actually, they call it an art and history museum, but I must have missed the history. Which means I will be doomed to repeat it, I guess.

This is a big park near the old part of the city. It's got a big sculpture dedicated to the Reformation in it. And a Reformation Museum. They really, really like the Reformation.

This is actually kind of hard to explain. But they have this archaeological site under the cathedral where they've dug up parts of all of the other buildings that were there before the current cathedral. This was the floor of some other cathedral. Meanwhile, I can't even get ONE cathedral to call my own. Life is so unfair.

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