
Monday, April 04, 2011

Photos of Geneva Until You Beg for Mercy

Here are a few more. These deal largely with the Cathedral, but also with some other things that I don't really know what they are.

This is the front of the cathedral. I guess they remodeled it like ten or fifteen times as different religious movements came into vogue, so it's not the original facade. Still, it's kind of cute, though.

Here's a view from the cathedral tower. Doesn't the railing seem like crazy low, such that one could easily fall over it? That's sure how it seemed when I was up there.

This is the fanciest part of the cathedral. I mean, it's a cathedral, so it's all fairly fancy, but like Reformation fancy, not like Rococo fancy. A lot of gray stone.

As I was walking through the Old Town, I went through a phase where I was taking pictures of pretty much every street I saw. They're just so much more picturesque than in the US! Eventually I started to feel stupid, though.

This was a cute tower in the Old Town area. I want my own tower. I could put stuff in it, like gold doubloons or something.

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