
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Breaking News(People)

Because I'm sure people read my blog for their breaking news, I'm going to report that Osama bin Laden has been killed by US forces. Or so they keep saying, although the President hasn't officially announced it. So far it's just been reporters talking to each other about how significant this announcement will be when it finally does happen. They hadn't even gotten Brian Williams out of bed yet when I turned on MSNBC. Chuck Todd sill has his glasses on. Or maybe he's always had glasses; I don't really know all that much about Chuck Todd.

Where was I when I heard the news? Watching Beyonce's Crazy in Love On Demand. Since I believe that was a summer 2003 video, I guess the capture is pretty timely by that measure.

In the past minute they just announced that the President was talking in two minutes and then took it back. They keep apologizing for the fact that the speech has been delayed. And then they bring on Andrea Mitchell, who is speaking from what looks like Murphy Brown's office, to talk some more about how this is significant. Geez, you think?

I can't wait for the Teabaggers to start demanding the long form death certificate.

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