
Friday, May 06, 2011

May Days

I was walking to the train after work yesterday when I was surprised to see a huge line of people waiting to get into one of the crappiest Mexican restaurants of all time, in a very crowded field. That was when I realized it was Cinco de Mayo, which it seems to me has gotten to be a bigger and bigger deal each year, like St. Patrick's Day and Halloween and all the other holidays that provide excuses for public vomiting and gyrating to Nickelback. Hence the white people in sombreros and the special on nachos in the office cafeteria.

Now I'm sitting at my dining table trying to muster the energy to do something and watching The French Connection from my Netflix list. Like most things on my Netflix list, it seemed like something I would really want to see at the time but then sat on the shelf next to the blu-ray player for several months. So far it is genuinely not boring but also somewhat hard to follow, perhaps because I am doing other things while I watch it. Also I just find it difficult to buy Gene Hackman as a young person.

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