
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Movie Magic

I forgot to mention that I watched two movies this past weekend. The first one was Poltergeist, which I have strangely never seen. It was all right. I'm sure if I'd seen it when everyone else saw it I would have been blown away, but special effects have come a long way since the '80s. Puppetry has sort of lost its cache since then. As have many of the haircuts pictured. A lot of it was suspenseful and interesting, but then there were long stretches that were just the old lady talking about ghosts and shit. The scene where the guy rips his face off was pretty cool, though. I have to try that some time.

I did some internet research afterwards (as I frequently do) and it turns out a lot of people involved in the production died, which is kind of creepy. (I mean that they died young, not that they died just in general, which is fairly typical, from what I understand.) And Craig T. Nelson has made a lot of terrible movies since then, so I feel like there has to be some sort of curse. I mean, how else to you explain the evil that is Turner & Hooch?

The other movie was Salt, which I really don't have any good excuse for. It was a lot better than I expected, though, I have to say. It was basically just a slightly worse version of the Bourne movies minus Julia Styles' bitchface. And plus a lot of ridiculous plot twists that make less and less sense the more you think about them, which I really don't recommend doing. Angelina Jolie's Russian at least sounded sort of realistic, though. I suppose that counts for something.

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