
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer Redux

It turns out I actually managed to get a little bit sunburned in the hour or so that I was outside this Sunday. It's sort of like this every summer -- the first time I'm out I pinken like Justin Bieber pretending to be sexually interested in Selena Gomez, but after that I settle into a sort of ecru color that never really changes no matter what I do. (Actually, I'm sure that ecru is the wrong word, but I can't really figure out how to describe it. It's a little bit like the skin tone crayon used to be in the Crayola box before they realized that was more than a little bit racist.) But anyway, it's not really painful so much as minorly annoying. It only hurts when I try to dry my back after showering, as I am wont to do. Oh well, I'll be back to normal in two days, tops.

I am definitely hoping to spend more time outside this summer, though. Last year ended up being a major bust, between trying a case in late June, having jury duty and an IRS audit in July, and going to four different weddings over the course of the summer. I only got to luxuriate at my sister's pool on about three occasions, and even then some stupid girls were screaming weird things from a window somewhere up in the building and I got all distracted and self conscious. This year there shall be far more luxuriating. This will be the summer I finally give myself serious skin damage, mark my words.

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