
Sunday, June 19, 2011


So I have continued to take my fitness classes every Saturday morning, which sort of makes me feel like a 42-year old soccer mom from the suburbs, but so be it. There are a lot of great things about these classes, first and foremost among them being the fact that I now have an ab. (Yes, it's just one, but I'm starting small.) It also amazing to enjoy the personnel for these classes, which include:

-- Our teacher, who plays the entire Lady Gaga catalogue for every class and likes to make commentary on the songs, such as "Number one song in the country, everyone" and "This one really gets you up and moving, doesn't it?"
-- The crazy lady who comes ten minutes late to every class, does all of the moves as though she's slightly narcoleptic, and smiles at herself in the mirror the whole time.
-- The pregnant lady so thin you can pretty much see the baby's facial features.
-- The guy who appears to be auditioning for A Chorus Line in every class, adding high kicks and jazz hands to even the most low key moves.
-- The guy who wrings the sweat out of his towel directly onto the mat that someone else is going to end up using next week.
-- The lady who just sits in the back and stares.

With this fearless crew to help me, I am bound to be fit and healthy in nothing flat!

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