
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Summer Times

There is nothing like a hot day to destroy people's sense of what apparel is work appropriate. You pass 90 and suddenly crop tops and bicycle pants seem like just the thing to wear to that court appearance. Making that sales call in your Speedo seems like an acceptable risk. Yesterday the air conditioning in my office building went out (because apparently that can happen) and I was longing for a pair of short shorts myself. Let it be clear that I am not complaining, however; I will take heat stroke over January in Chicago any day.

Thankfully we have a new frozen yogurt shop to help beat the heat in my neighborhood. They even claim that a small cup is only 100 calories, although I'm guessing that's before I've dressed it up with about five pounds of cookie dough bits, white chocolate chips, and fudge topping. The greatest thing, though, is that you pay by the pound, so I don't get burned for being a total topping hog. I've always said that, with a little luck, one can really make gluttony pay.

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