
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Another exciting day here in Quincy. We went to lunch with at my grandmother's house, where she had an infomercial starring Mr. T on the whole time, possibly under the mistake impression that it was the news. If you squint a little, he does look a bit like Brian Williams. She showed us all of her birthday cards, and damned if she didn't get three times as many as me. I mean, sure, on the one hand, the hundredth birthday is a milestone. But on the other hand, how many friends can you have that are even alive at 100? I'm trying not to take this personally.

We also went to see the latest Harry Potter. I stopped seeing these a few movies ago because I felt like they didn't really add anything to my (rather pleasant) experience from the books, but I relented in the interest of family fun and closure. It was okay. They made a lot of weird changes from the book that didn't really seem to improve things -- mainly by injecting a lot of teen romance -- but it was nice to see so many good British actors getting work. I mean, they could have cast Renee Zellweger as Professor McGonagall and Megan Fox as Madame Hooch, so the effort to be authentic is appreciated.

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