
Thursday, July 07, 2011

Round Midnight

I saw Midnight in Paris last night. It was all right. Frankly, I would be fine with just staring at well shot images of Paris for two hours. (I did think I saw a boom mike in the corner of one shot, though, I swear.) Anyway, I was fairly convinced it would be vastly overrated just because it's kind of hard for me to fathom why Woody Allen would suddenly be getting the biggest box office of his career at approximately 170. And it certainly isn't as good as any number of his movies, most notably Annie Hall, Manhattan, Match Point, Zelig, and I would even say Sleeper. (My parents took me to see that one when I was like 3, apparently not bothered by the fact that it's beyond dirty.) But it was enjoyable. Sort of quaint. All of the celebrities of today playing celebrities of the past were charming, and Owen Wilson was one of the better Woody Allen stand-ins we've seen. Rachel McAdams came across as an all around horrible human being, but that was pretty much what she was there to do. I could have done without the Adrien Brody, but that's pretty much a constant.

So yeah. Worth seeing, I suppose. Although I'm still holding out for Transformers 3.

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