
Thursday, August 04, 2011

Ad Age

I can't believe it's already back to school commercial time. It seems like just yesterday that we were doing dad and grad commercials. (And yes, "dad and grad" is the worst phrase ever.) But here we are with telegenic twentysomethings dancing around to indie bands in the latest J.C. Penney fashions and pretending they're in high school. It sort of makes we wish I were going back to school, if only so my mom would buy me some new Z. Cavs.

But I am not going anywhere, as it turns out. One of the strangest things for me about getting into "the real world" has been how it's much harder for me to place events within the seasons. If something happens around Thanksgiving or Christmas, that will probably stick, since I'll know that I was at my parents' house. Otherwise, though, the various parts of the year run together. They're all spent sitting in my office, doing work or trying to avoid doing work, and wishing the temperature were different. I guess in winter I'm usually wearing a sweater.

The summer has been pretty good to me, though, at least so far. There's been a lot of time at the pool and I've gotten a bit of sun without taking on a Boehner-ish quality. Also I've gotten out a little bit -- movies, bars, parties, etc. Nothing like when I was 26 and writing accounts of Thursday nights at closing time, but I'm starting to believe that the lord (or whomever) didn't actually want me to be 26 forever. I still intend to demand a recount, however.

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