
Thursday, November 17, 2011

TV Time

Nick at Nite is now running a two hour block of Friends every night. Although it's sort of weird for me to experience as nostalgia something I actually lived through the first time around, it's also kind of fun to watch Chandler's weight fluctuate wildly and Ross's hair take on a life of its own. Plus the characters become broader and broader over the years until Monica is borderline obsessive compulsive and Joey is essentially retarded. Phoebe and Rachel I'm pretty okay with, though. Jennifer Aniston is so much less sad as a character than in real life.

I'm still rocking the Reba in the mornings, though. Right now they're on the later seasons where Cheyenne had her comic alcohol problem and Kyra disappeared without explanation for like ten episodes. It's not exactly a golden era in American television, but in the first half hour of the day it's about all I can handle. ABC Family is now offering What I Like About You, which is very tempting, but I'm just not sure I can process the wit and wisdom of an Amanda Bynes at the break of day.

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