
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hot & Cold

For some reason it is freezing in my house today. I guess the fact that it is also freezing outside probably has something to do with it, but still, craking up the thermostat has to be good for something. To be fair, it is really only my feet that are freezing, despite the fact that I am wearing two pairs of socks and my shoes. My grandmother has always said that means I have poor circulation, but I like to think it means I'm amazing. Regardless, after this I think I am going to go build (read: push the button that turns on) a fire.

I have been remiss this week in not mentioning the Shocking Top Model First that occurred on Wednesday. Perhaps I was just too emotionally damaged to talk about it. Or perhaps I just felt like eating my weight in lasagna at Leona's and watching movies instead. But regardless, Queen Angelea is dead, long live Queen Angelea. I especially enjoyed the fact that Lisa had gotten a nose job between the first and second times that they filmed the finale. She must have gone to Ashlee Simpson's doctor because it looks pretty good.

I have also been remiss in pretty much not posting at all lately. I'm just sort of lacking in inspiration. I'd rather not post at all than post something lame and boring. Present post excluded, of course.

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