
Thursday, January 26, 2012


Well, it's Thursday night, which if the past two weeks are any indication means that it's either already snowing ferociously or about to start doing so. I have to say that it's been pretty great getting snowed in every time I'm about to actually have a little bit of time to go places. Hiking back and forth to the gym in my ten-year-old sneakers because I don't even have snow boots despite living in Chicago for a decade has been a true joy. Not to mention the fact that I've had to cancel two planned trips to Target in a row! You may have noticed from their stock dropping fifty points.

Anyway, it has been a trying week. Lots of work, no new Revenge, my work computer and my home computer have decided to gang up on me with a partial work stoppage, and someone sneezed on me on the el today. I fully expect to have the full-blown plague by Tuesday.

Oh, and I've seen the commercial for Ghost Rider 2 like six times tonight. Have all the demons of hell come to torment me?

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