
Sunday, August 05, 2012

Back to It

It's interesting to spend my Sunday nights without that accustomed feeling of dread regarding the start of a new workweek. This is not to say that my new job is perfect; no job is, unless it's maybe being Cher's official wig wrangler. But it makes a huge difference to know that no matter what happens tomorrow, it will be over by 5 PM. Also that no one is going to ask me to take notes regarding their thoughts on a brief while they are using the restroom.

This has been a good weekend, if not particularly eventful. Friday night I met up with a good friend I haven't seen in way too long -- I kept referring to the baby she had in the interim, but it turns out it's a toddler now. We went to Guthrie's, a bar near my house with a huge beer selection and lots of board games. We did forgo the Parcheesi in favor of some serious catching up, however. Yesterday and today were mainly fit, active days of the type you generally only see in tampon commercials. I went to kickboxing, I swam, and I went for a run. And we spent a lot of time just hanging out on the roof, reading about Kristen Stewart's shocking betrayal in Us Weekly and reapplying sunscreen.

So I'm read to head back to work tomorrow. But if anyone decides they want to pay me to just stay home and watch The Young & The Restless from now on, I would still be willing to entertain those offers.

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