
Thursday, August 30, 2012

On The Line

Tonight I received the following voicemail on my cell phone:

"Monique, what's up? Sharice said she wanted you to bring them clothes over tonight. So give me a call when you get this, kay girl? It's Denise."

Of course, my first reaction is that I hope Denise somehow actually gets in touch with Monique, as I would hate to see Sharice's plans thwarted in this regard. I'd call Monique myself, but I don't have her number, unless by "Monique" she somehow means my friend Karl. I suppose I could call Denise back, but frankly she terrifies me.

I also have to admit that I'm somewhat perplexed as to how my outgoing message is confusing in any way. What about hearing my voice identify me by name causes someone to think "time to leave a message for Monique?" This happens to me a lot, although this is actually my first outing as Denise. Am I somehow putting a Denise vibe out there?

 Anyway, I'm delighted to have the voicemail. People who actually know me never leave such fascinating messages!

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