
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Revenge Redux

I've been watching the Revenge DVDs in preparation for the new season to start at the end of this month. So if you haven't been watching Revenge, well, A) you really should, and B) you won't have any idea what I'm talking about here, sort of like when I accidentally pick up a Kardashian-heavy issue of Us Weekly. Instead of reading this you should probably write a 1000-word essay about what integrity means to you or something.

Anyway, it's pretty good even on repeat viewing. I did start to get a little bored at times (i.e. whenever Declan and Charlotte were on the screen), but I was surprised by how many little plot twists I'd already forgotten about. I don't think I should probably be feeling suspense with regard to a show I've seen in it's entirety. My reactions to most things were the same: I still hated Tyler, I still found Ashley to be useless, and I still wanted to cut Nolan's hair like crazy. But the love triangle is actually a lot more interesting when you aren't completely distracted by all the other plots, and I really noticed that girl from Everwood's (she'll always be the girl from Everwood) a lot more, in a good way, not a Rosie O'Donnell in Riding the Bus With My Sister kind of way. Oh, and Victoria's upper lip -- what happened?

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