
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Skin Deep

Interesting start to my day today. I went to see my dermatologist, who lately has been demanding that I come in every other month to keep the sweet, sweet flow of drugs coming. She asked how everything was going, and I told her it was generally fine, although I did get a "midnight visitor" on my chin last night. After analyzing it in a manner that put across how horribly disfigured she believes me to be, she asked me if I wanted to do something about it right away. I cautiously agreed, at which point she took out a giant needle and injected some strange chemicals into my face. The upshot was that I went to work with a band-aid on my chin and my face still hasn't cleared up. I did get to experience life as a Real Housewife, however, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

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